shouldn’t Cisco come out a flash demo video to show new users how to use their product at start up? There are a lot of manual in the CD of course… Well I only browsed through them… darn. The getting started guide is actually not very informative in my opinion only perhaps I am just impatient to read the starter guide from back to back, but several pictures only showed me how to connect wires…-_-” There are manuals in pdf format and other files with binary format which windows cannot execute them, some even have pkg format which I think should be for the box instead of my laptop. The title is weird right? I felt that too… It has a CD but no ASDM installer at least I cannot find it (maybe I am stupid or something but whatever…) not all things inside the CD are windows application file, the cisco vpn client is a zip file in executable format that’s the only thing which I have clicked and run.