The show centers on four characters: Amrutha Rao and Anjaneyulu ( Gundu Hanumantha Rao), childhood friends and owners of the restaurant Amrutha Vilas in Hyderabad who come up with quirky and creative ideas to improve their restaurant business and get rich, but fail with hilarious consequences each time Sarvam (Vasu Inturi), cook and server at Amrutha Vilas who is a migrant from Tamil Nadu Appaji ( Sivannarayana), the rapacious, exploitative landlord of Amrutha Vilas who subjects his tenants to unreasonable penalties.
The topics of satire are diverse - soap operas, popular films, competitive exams, superstitions, game shows, contemporary politics, current affairs etc. Amrutham is especially noted for its clean, family-friendly humour and its satirical takes on everyday issues. Most of the episodes were written by Gunnam Gangaraju along with Vasu Inturi who also played the character of Sarvam. It is widely regarded as the greatest Telugu comedy TV series of all time. It originally aired on Gemini TV for six years from 18 November 2001 to 18 November 2007 in 313 episodes. ' Elixir') is an Indian Telugu-language television sitcom created and produced by Gunnam Gangaraju.